Thursday, August 7, 2008

Free At Last....

Free at last, free at last!! School started yesterday. It is good but sad. I'm glad to have time to update my blog. I am sad because I miss my girls. And some of their adjustments to new schools, teachers and friends is hard. All three of my girls are having to navigate new buildings. Amelia and Allie actually are in a brand new facility. It is very nice. Anna moved into an already existing building but it is still new to her. She also no longer rides the bus with Amelia. She rides alone. The change seems hardest on her.
First Day of 3rd Grade
Anna's Cute New School Shoes
First Day of 8th & 5th Grades

The Girls' New BookBags

They are pretty darn cute, if I say so myself! Oh, I just did!


Lise and Pete said...

Free at last is right!!! YIPPEEE! Wednesday is my first day of freedom! :) Kevin and Jason will be in new schools, too...I'm trying not to worry. Loved the book are so creative. The girls looked so cute on their first day. MISS YOU!!! (Check your email)

Elisha said...

SUCH cute bags, Jen! You're amazing.

Shannon said...

those bags are darling Jen. By the way, I did get your message and I did have a message written on my white board saying, "call Jen" but I was waiting till the weekend or after 9:00 (which didn't do me any good since I've been busy every night since you called). Anyway, I sat down to call you today and I don't have your number. Will you email me your number? Now that you've probably figured out what it is you want to do... sorry I'm a lame sister and law and that my excuses are lame too.

Janette said...

Very cute bags, I want to make on someday.