Monday, June 23, 2008

Girlfriend Weekend

I got to go on a Girls’ Retreat with some girlfriends I haven’t gotten together with in over 16 years. We used to hang out in Maryland. Boy, was it amazing. Stephanie (the blonde that isn’t me) and I have known each other since we were 2 years old. Lisa (the one with dark hair) lived in our stake. We became acquainted during our teenage years. Then we became closer once we hit college age. Lisa now lives in Kentucky. Lisa and I planned to meet up in “the valley” to surprise Stephanie. Stephanie was performing as the lead in the Hale Theater, Gilbert, AZ, as Ruth in “Dear Ruth”. Lisa and I showed up at her play one, Thursday night. Boy did we surprise her! She couldn’t believe we were there in flesh and blood. It was great! The play was great too and Stephanie was awesome! WOW! We hung out for 4 days together, giddy as school girls. What a cherished memory!

1 comment:

Lise and Pete said...

That was a weekend I will always remember! I am SO blessed to have friends like you and Steff! I miss you and can't wait to get together again! Luv U :)